Monday, February 14, 2011

Yi-AznBoi Brave New World Irony

Explanation: In this world, everyone was said to be happy with no problems involve. It was suppose to be a utopia with a communist way of life. That I mean by how they want everyone to be the same and live the same way. Everyone will be happy with no doubts.

But Bernard through the story had doubts. He starts to have feelings that no one was allowed to have. We all would expect him to be the same as everyone, but he's not. Despite he's a higher ranked guy than most others but he doesn't have the appearance as the people in his group.

Situational Irony

Huxley Purpose: I think Huxley purpose for this part is to show that being the odd one isn't always a bad thing. The way Bernard have a mind of his own gives him a higher purpose for living his life.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! I like this. Great interpretation of Huxley's purpose.
