Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yi-AznBoi Movie Review

Can you imagine yourself born as an old man and die later as an infant? Well that is how Benjamin Button live out his life.

The story takes place around the 1920s in New Orleans where Benjamin Button was born and raised. The acting role of Button's was played by Brad Pitt, which I think he's done an exordinary job at it. All the other actors also had done a magnificent job on their character and they blend in with them really well.

This movie reminds me a lot of "The Notebook" by Nick Cassavetes. Reason for this is the movie is told by a lady named Caroline reading a journal to her sick mother in bed. Which sounds to me pretty fimiliar as in The Notebook, Noah was reading it to Allie as they were at an old age. The journal was written by Benjamin Button and the sick old lady in bed was his wife Daisy. Yet Caroline doesn't know the fact that Benjamin was his father which leaves us with eager to watch on.

The crew did a great job on the special effects in the movie. I was very impressed by how old baby Benjamin looks like when he was born. It was hideous but quite realistic. Other effect were in the battle scenes where Benjamin went to World War II, things like gunfires and fireworks.

Benjamin's dad didn't want him when he was born and leaves him on someone's porch with some money. Queenie was the african american lady that take him in and raish as if he was her own. From there we watch young Benjamin grew up and met Daisy where most the movie was about. Later it was reveal to Caroline that Benjamin was her father and she wasn't not happy with the way she found out about it because her mother never told her about this.

Daisy is the lover of Benjamin. She was interesed in Benjamin but Benjamin rejects her at the beginning thinking about the diffrence in their lives. She later got into a relationship with someone else which makes Benjamin feel sad a little. She later goes back to Benjamin and they move into a house together and live there for quite a while.

Benjamin's real father came back to see him and reveals everything to him. But Benjamin stay with Queenie and said she was her mother. Later his father die and leaves him the house which he sold to get the house for him and Daisy.

Benjamin is a dynamic character. He change significantly through out the movie. After he and Daisy had Caroline, he started to realize that there will be a time where he will be too young to take care of himself and will have to rely on Daisy for support. He then leaves her so she can have her life. The story ends as infant Benjamin dies on Daisy's arm.

This movie is very emotional and shows you a lot of how to live a great life even if you're diffrent than all others.

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